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Breaking the Silence Winter Summit

Break the Silence Winter Summit

November 06, 20235 min read

Take Sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor never the victim .” -Llie Weisel

Breaking the Silence Winter Summit

Free Online Summit Registration November 13 & 14

Trauma and abuse cast long shadows, haunting us with memories that lurk in the recesses of our minds. We carry the burden of shame in silence, afraid to speak our truths, to voice our pain. The silence grows within us, spreading like a cancer, enabling our abusers and perpetuating the cycles of harm.

But the time has come for change. The time has come to break the silence and step out of the shadows into the light.

Healing begins when we find the courage to speak. It begins when we replace shame with self-compassion, fear with hope. The journey is long, but we do not walk alone. In community we find strength, becoming warriors of light leading the way for others still trapped in darkness.

The Breaking The Silence Winter Summit invites us on this journey towards transformation. Let us break the silence, share our stories, and celebrate the resilience of the human spirit. In speaking our truths, we empower ourselves and future generations, bringing awareness to cycles of abuse so they may end.

The summit holds space for growth, understanding and forgiveness. For too long shame has kept us small, afraid and isolated. No more. A new day is dawning, and this event marks its beginning.

Break the Silence Winter Summit

The Power of Silence

Silence is suffocating. It envelops trauma in a cloak of darkness, allowing cycles of abuse to persist unchallenged.

When we remain silent, we grant power to our abusers. Their actions seem less real, the harm minimized and normalized when left unspoken.

Silence enables gaslighting, allowing doubt and shame to take root. "It wasn't so bad," our muted minds whisper. "This is normal, it's your fault, you deserved it."

Silence breeds self-destruction. Without words, our pain turns inward like a cancer, eroding our spirit.

We punish ourselves for the sins of others, torturing our souls for things beyond our control. Silence becomes permission to inflict suffering upon ourselves.

We cut, starve, deprive our bodies of joy thinking we deserve nothing more.

Silence perpetuates ignorance. People naively believe abuse is rare, that evil hides in shadows. But shadows thrive in silence, which cloaks abuse in normalcy.

One in three women experiences violence.

One in six men suffers sexual abuse.

These staggering statistics remain muted, so abuse continues unchecked.

To confront evil we must first give it form by speaking its name. The unspeakable must be spoken, shadows pierced by light. This is the only way forward; the only path to societal change.

So we must break the silence.

For truth.

For justice.

For ourselves and all those who come after. We must tell our stories so no child has to endure what we have. We must speak so the next generation creates a world free from violence.

The time for silence is over. Our voices will be heard.

Breaking The Silence Winter Summit

Breaking the Silence

Speaking up about abuse takes incredible courage. For too long victims have been silenced by shame, fearing judgment or disbelief. But silence only allows darkness to grow. To break cycles of violence we must break the silence first.

The moment we find our voice is the moment we reclaim our power. By sharing our stories, we refuse to let abusers define our worth. We transform pain into purpose. The silence that once imprisoned us becomes a source of strength.

To survivors reading this, know you are not alone. The Breaking The Silence Winter Summit celebrates your resilience. Here you will find compassion, solidarity and hope. Together we will nurture the seeds of change planted when we chose to speak our truths.

From darkness comes light.

From silence comes change.

Join us at the summit and break free from the shame that binds you. Raise your voice in defiance of evil.

Celebrate how far you’ve come, and how far we’ll go together.

Breaking the Silence Winter Summit

The Healing Power of Community

Trauma isolates, shame convinces us we are alone. But healing blooms in the fertile soil of community, nourished by the light of human connection. When surrounded by others who understand our struggles, we no longer suffer in silence.

The Breaking the Silence Winter Summit offers a brave space to share stories free from judgment. Here we honor each journey, knowing there are many paths to healing. We focus not on trauma but on the indomitable human spirit that persists despite suffering.

Together we transform pain into purpose. We comfort those haunted by ghosts of past abuse. We celebrate successes small and large. We find meaning in the lived experience of others.

Most importantly, we practice self-compassion, a vital step on the path to wholeness. For too long we tortured ourselves for the actions of others. But the blame rests squarely on those who hurt us, not the open hearts they manipulated. In community we learn to love ourselves again, faults and all.

Though the road is long, we walk together, our voices rising in hopeful chorus. The silence once used to divide us now brings us closer together.

At the Breaking the Silence Winter Summit we plant seeds of change that will blossom into societal transformation. But it starts with each courageous voice: yours, mine, and ours.

Invitation to the Winter Summit

The time for silence and suffering is over. A new day of healing and hope is dawning, and you can be part of it.

Hear incredible stories of courage from survivors like keynote speaker Christine Innes. As a survivor of trauma herself, Christine now guides others toward wholeness.

Together we will transform silence into social change. We will plant seeds of compassion that will blossom into a society free of violence.

Will you add your voice to the movement? Get your tickets now and join us at this life-changing event.

The time for silence is over. The time for healing is now.

breaking the silence winter summitpersonal healingabuse survivor storiescommunity resiliencetrauma recoveryspeaking up about abuseunlearn the crapRiseUP Coaching
Coach at Rise UP Coaching, Creator of the Life Reset System
Providing easy life transformations based on Knowledge and Understanding.

Kathy Baldwin

Coach at Rise UP Coaching, Creator of the Life Reset System Providing easy life transformations based on Knowledge and Understanding.

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