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From Broken to Unbreakable Summit

From Broken to Unbreakable

November 07, 20237 min read

“If they hadn't tried to break me down, I wouldn't know that I was unbreakable .” - Gabourey Sidibe

#FromBrokenToUnbreakable #EmpowermentSummit #PersonalGrowth

I struggled with chronic stress and depression for years. As a single mother, I felt immense pressure to be strong and support my family no matter what. I pushed through physical and mental exhaustion daily, ignoring my own needs and burying my emotions.

Though I presented a capable face to the world, inside I felt increasingly lost, empty, and distraught. My intense drive to care for everyone else ultimately left me depleted.

I coped by keeping up a relentless pace, afraid that stopping would lead to total collapse.

Over time, the chronic stress and lack of self-care took an immense toll on my health and wellbeing.

My physical and mental state deteriorated until I experienced a complete breakdown. Hitting this low point forced me to finally acknowledge just how much I had been struggling silently for far too long.

I realized I had reached my breaking point because I did not take time to nourish myself or seek community support.

Nervous breakdown, isolated, depressed, alone

In my desire to be strong, I had isolated myself and denied my own needs.

This painful insight would eventually inspire my mission to empower others on their journeys toward wholeness. But first, I had to find a way to put myself back together after unraveling completely.

The Turning Point

Hitting rock bottom from my total mental and physical breakdown became the catalyst for profound change in my life.

In my darkest moments of feeling hopeless and defeated, I finally faced the need for drastic transformation. While painful, destroying the illusion that I could persist on sheer willpower alone proved liberating.

I could no longer ignore the urgent message my mind and body were sending me. It was time to stop constantly giving away my power and begin my own journey of healing.

In the stillness that followed my unraveling, I finally found the courage to look inward instead of distracting myself with busyness. I got radically honest with myself about ways I had been silencing my own needs and living out of alignment.

I realized I had two choices - either remain a victim of circumstances, or take accountability and actively transform my life.

I chose the latter.

This marked a turning point of empowering myself by seeking knowledge and community that could help me become the conscious creator of my reality.

My breakdown forced me to dismantle dysfunctional coping methods I now recognize were never serving me. Hitting rock bottom cleared the way to rebuild my life upon a solid foundation of self-love and authenticity.

While the process was often scary, painful, and messy, I emerged on the other side feeling empowered and ready to guide others on their own profound healing journeys.

My darkness transformed into the light I now share as a beacon for those seeking their way from brokenness to wholeness.

The Power of Community

After unraveling from chronic stress and depression, I recognized that a key missing piece was community and support. In my quest to be strong and self-sufficient, I had isolated myself and lost my lifeline to others.

As humans we inherently yearn for connection, yet I had convinced myself that I could tackle challenges alone.

My breakdown forced me to acknowledge just how untrue that was.

I desperately needed an understanding, non-judgmental community where I could be vulnerable while healing and rebuilding.

Community can be found together online

Seeking out that nurturing space was an essential part of my recovery. Whether in the form of counseling, women's circles, or just intimate conversations with friends, I found catharsis and courage sharing my struggles. The empathy from those who related to my experiences made me feel less alone.

I wish I had understood earlier the importance of nourishing community. If I had been willing to open up and ask for help sooner, perhaps I could have avoided hitting rock bottom entirely. But the isolation I experienced makes me want to provide that connection for others now.

Forming a supportive community and asking for assistance when you are struggling does not make you weak - it makes you human.

If you are feeling lost, empty, or like things are unraveling, please know that help exists. There are people ready to listen, offer guidance, and be your soft place to land as you work to regain wholeness.

You need not walk the path alone.

Why I'm Participating in the Summit

From Broken to Unbreakable Summit

I am honored to have been invited to speak at the upcoming "From Broken to Unbreakable" summit and share parts of my personal journey.

While challenging, I believe there is profound power in being vulnerable about our struggles, especially when it helps others feel less alone in their hardships.

By opening up about my own unraveling from chronic stress and depression, I hope to help break stigmas around mental health and asking for support.

My breakdown did not happen because I was weak - it happened because I was only human, pushing beyond reasonable limits.

I want others to know they do not have to carry the weight of the world alone.

Participating in this summit is my way of reaching out a hand to anyone who feels they are also barely holding things together. If my story inspires just one person to be gentler with themselves and seek community, then sharing my struggles will have been worth it.

Too often we bottle things up, let shame muzzle us, and convince ourselves no one could understand our pain.

The "From Broken to Unbreakable" summit proves that is untrue. We all experience challenges and carry secret burdens.

Being vulnerable has the power to help us realize just how much we share in common.

I am also participating because the summit's theme of rebuilding oneself aligns with my own healing journey and the mission of RiseUP Coaching. I hope to share principles and techniques that have been transformative for me and my clients. Even in darkness, there are guiding lights if you know where to look and have the courage to take steps forward.

Although my road has been long and difficult, I have emerged stronger, wiser, and more compassionate. I want you to know that you have that same resilient spirit within. Whatever you are facing, you have the ability to create a new life chapter, just as I did. I believe in the limitless potential that resides in us all.

Why You Should Attend

I urge anyone resonating with my story or facing their own struggles to strongly consider attending the "From Broken to Unbreakable" summit.

Gathering with others on similar journeys creates a sense of community and belonging that can uplift you.

Attending the summit provides an opportunity to hear from diverse voices and perspectives. The shared experiences will help normalize whatever you are going through and make you feel less alone.

You may find comfort and hope learning how others have navigated dark times.

The summit will also provide tangible tools and frameworks for recovery and growth. I will be sharing principles and techniques from RiseUP Coaching on topics like mindfulness, resilience, and overcoming limiting beliefs.

You will come away with actionable strategies to aid in your own transformation.

Finally, the connections forged at events like this can last well beyond the summit itself. You may build relationships and a support system that will be invaluable during difficult times. The friendships can ground and sustain you as you walk the path of healing.

I believe participating in this summit could be a defining moment in your personal journey. It takes courage to reach out when you are struggling, but the solidarity and wisdom you'll gain make that vulnerability worth it.

This is a chance to be part of a community focused on supporting one another's growth.

You owe it to yourself to be open to new perspectives and possibilities that could profoundly shape your life and wellbeing.

I so hope to see you there! Join Us Here

From Broken to Unbreakable Summit

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