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Inside Out Trading Podcast

Podcast with Brian MacAboy

June 06, 20234 min read

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” - Benjamin Franklin

Trader Genius is Developed through an Inside Out Process

I began trading 25 years ago. I was taught technical analysis, fundamental analysis and how to effectively trade and invest in the stock market, by some of the greats. My first mentor, Courtney Smith, we just lost and I feel his absence. I hired a company of respected traders, and I was taught how to do options trading and forex trading by some of the most respected retired floor traders. I worked with them for over 2 years and $25,000 and I knew strategy, implementation and execution.

What I learned the arduous way was that I lacked a personalized trading plan. Who knew? I didn't.

And my results showed it. I won and lost a lot. My biggest loss occurred at the same time as I was under the biggest stress of my life and had a full-out mental breakdown. The problem with a breakdown is that the cognitive part of our brain is not working properly. This is because it is hijacked by our emotional brain and central nervous system. My brain told me that yes I was at rock bottom and my entire life was in transition. However, I told myself that I had years of training under my belt. I could trade my life savings and be fine.



Our central nervous system, our chemicals flood our bodies. Every part of you that is not needed for immediate survival is shut down until the stress and danger is over (according to our reptile brain - not our rational thinking or logical brain). This is known as the 'fight or flight' response, which is triggered by the release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones help us focus, be alert and react quickly in a dangerous situation. They also suppress activities such as digestion, immune system response, and reproduction until the danger has passed.

My hindsight - like all hindsight - gave me the wisdom to know I needed to start with the greatest factor in my trading - ME. Once I stepped back, did a personality assessment, healed past triggers, and released the negative hold they had on me and then created a plan that worked WITH my strengths, with my goals, with my schedule, and then matched it to strategies, the results were incredible.

I created the Introduction to Trader Genius which is an introduction to the stock market for those considering beginning, so that they could learn what was involved, how the system worked and then decide if they wanted to invest time and energy into learning how to be an effective trader. In this course, I cover everything from how the stock market works, what affects changes in the markets, and how micro and macroeconomic factors affect the movement of markets. I also cover basic introduction to what fundamental analysis and technical analysis is so that newbies can feel less intimated by the process.

The Trader Genius Introduction to the Stock Market

is available for immediate download for $197.

If I had this information before trading, I would tell you it is worth thousands of unrealized potential losses. I believe it is a must-have for new traders.

And then I developed Trader Genius - Create Your Ultimate Dream Trading Plan which is everything I wished I knew then but know now. I am paying it forward. When you learn how to create a trading plan FIRST and match it to YOU and then master the most effective strategies you can be unstoppable. This is a personalized coaching program that takes new traders through the process of self-knowledge, emotional trigger healing, formulating a full life goal plan and what is needed to achieve it AND then and only then, do we formulate a trading plan that achieves the goals for the trader. I do not teach strategies because I am not licensed or have professional accreditation in order to effectively deliver that information. However, I have recommendations for where to go for the next step in trading mastery.

This is my podcast interview with Brian MacAboy that I met on a mutually interested webinar. I explained how unhealed trauma and the past can really affect traders.

Click on the link below and watch the podcast here. I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please like, share, or comment.

I'm sure you will learn something new and gain valuable insights.

Thank you for watching!

Coach at Rise UP Coaching, Creator of the Life Reset System
Providing easy life transformations based on Knowledge and Understanding.

Kathy Baldwin

Coach at Rise UP Coaching, Creator of the Life Reset System Providing easy life transformations based on Knowledge and Understanding.

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