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93% of New Years Resolutions Fail

Succeeding Beyond New Year's Resolutions with 'Drive Your Destiny

January 01, 202418 min read

Uncover why 93% of resolutions fail and

How to succeed with 'Drive Your Destiny'

A proven 3-step program for lasting change.

93% of New Years Resolutions Fail

As the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve, millions of people around the globe are filled with hope and determination, their hearts brimming with aspirations for the year ahead.

It's a tradition as old as setting New Year's resolutions, promises made to oneself in pursuit of betterment and change.

From losing weight to saving money, from learning new languages to quitting smoking, the range of ambitions is endless.

Yet, despite the initial enthusiasm, a staggering 93% of these resolutions fall by the wayside as the year progresses.

But why is this rate so high? What makes these resolutions so prone to failure?

The answer is not found in the resolutions themselves but in the fabric of human psychology and the mechanisms of our willpower.

Willpower, it turns out, is a resource that's easily depleted; it's an unreliable ally in the battle for personal transformation.

The sheer force of wanting to change, to push against old habits, is rarely sustainable.

When we rely solely on this internal strength to propel us forward, we find that our ingrained patterns of behavior refuse to budge.

Our brains are wired for survival, not for the lofty ambitions of happiness, health, or wealth that our New Year's resolutions often encapsulate.

Understanding these aspects is crucial and forms the foundation of the 'Drive Your Destiny' program, a transformative journey designed to empower individuals to make their resolutions stick, not just for a year, but for a lifetime.

The Psychology of Change

Delving into the psychological labyrinth that governs human behavior reveals a stark our brain, when faced with change, often perceives it as a threat.

Neuroplasticity of CNS

Evolution has hardwired us for survival, equipping us with a complex central nervous system (CNS) and a brain that prioritize safety and consistency over the uncertain prospects of change. This innate resistance can become a formidable obstacle when we attempt to pursue New Year's resolutions.

When someone decides to quit a deep-seated habit like smoking, the brain doesn't register this as a positive step towards better health; instead, it sounds alarm bells as if one's very life is in jeopardy.

The CNS, which orchestrates an array of chemical signals and responses, kicks into high gear, releasing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These biochemical reactions are the body's way of preparing to confront imminent danger.

So, when we try to force a change, our body is, in essence, gearing up for a fight, poised to revert to its comfort zone at the first opportunity.

This biological response can demotivate even the most determined individuals. As cravings intensify and stress mounts, the likelihood of relapsing into old patterns increases.

The brain’s default setting is to maintain what has kept us alive thus far, regardless of whether our current habits are detrimental to our health or wellbeing. It equates the familiar with safety, no matter how self-sabotaging that familiarity may be.

Understanding this resistance is crucial for overcoming it.

The process involves more than just the decision to change; it requires a strategic rewiring of the brain's perception of what is safe and beneficial. This rewiring cannot be accomplished through sheer willpower alone—it necessitates a holistic approach that addresses the underlying psychological structures that shape our actions and reactions.

Change, then, must be coaxed and nurtured rather than demanded. It's a delicate dance between the conscious mind's desires and the subconscious mind's inclinations, between the rational goals we set and the primal instincts we must appease.

This delicate balance is what the 'Drive Your Destiny' program aims to achieve—aligning the conscious and subconscious, thereby transforming the threat of change into an opportunity for growth.

Identity and Habit Formation

The concept of identity plays a crucial role in the success or failure of our resolutions.

Our identity is the deeply held belief about who we are, what we value, and what we consider ourselves capable of achieving.

It is the internal narrative that we use to navigate the world and make sense of our place within it. This narrative is so powerful that it can shape our habits and behaviors, often in ways that we are not consciously aware of.

When we say someone is "trying" to quit smoking, we reveal a fundamental misalignment. They are attempting to change a behavior without addressing the underlying identity that supports it.

As long as they identify as a smoker, every cigarette declined is a battle against their own self-concept.

The smoker's identity – the part of themselves that aligns with the habit of smoking – resists the change because it feels like an attack on the self.

This internal conflict is why simply "trying" to change is often a recipe for failure.

For lasting change to take place, a shift in identity is necessary.

A person must begin to see themselves as someone who is capable of change, someone who is no longer defined by the habits they wish to break.

This shift does not happen overnight. It requires consistent effort and a series of small wins that reinforce the new identity.

Habits, after all, are the daily expressions of our identity.

When we successfully alter our habits, we are making a statement about who we are and who we wish to become.

The process of identity change can be likened to the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. The caterpillar does not "try" to fly; it transforms into a being for whom flying is natural.

Similarly, a person seeking to make a resolution stick must evolve into someone for whom the desired behavior is a natural expression of their identity.

To initiate this transformation, one must first engage in a truthful and sometimes difficult conversation with oneself.

It involves recognizing the limitations of our current identity and daring to envision a new self. This envisioning process is about creating a self-image that aligns with the desired outcome, whether it's being healthy, productive, or free from addiction.

This fundamental shift at the level of identity is the heart of effective and lasting change.

It is not about rejecting who we are but rather expanding and evolving our concept of self to encompass new possibilities.

It is a process that requires patience, self-compassion, and the willingness to grow.

The 'Drive Your Destiny' program recognizes the importance of this identity shift and guides participants through the intricate process of reshaping their self-narrative.

It is not just about breaking bad habits; it's about building a new self, piece by piece, habit by habit, until the reflection in the mirror matches the person you've chosen to become.

Healing Before Changing

Before embarking on the journey of transformation, it's imperative to address the foundational reasons that give rise to disempowering habits.

These behaviors are rarely arbitrary; they often serve as makeshift solutions to deeper issues.

In most cases, they are the mind's attempt at self-preservation, a way of coping with emotional wounds or psychological distress.

The habit, then, is not the root problem but a symptom of an unresolved inner conflict.

The mind is a master of survival, and its primary objective is to keep us alive.

It does not concern itself with our happiness, success, or whether we are thriving—its goal is to ensure our existence.

This is why the mind clings to familiar patterns, even when they are harmful.

From its perspective, these patterns have successfully navigated us through life thus far, so why change? It's a primitive logic that prioritizes the known over the unknown, the tried over the untested, and the present comfort over future well-being.

Healing begins with recognizing that these disempowering habits were once solutions.

Whether it was smoking to alleviate stress, overeating for comfort, or procrastination as a shield from fear of failure, these behaviors served a purpose.

To truly change, one must dig deep to uncover the root cause of these habits.

  • What pain is being numbed?

  • What fear is being avoided?

  • What void is being filled?

These are the questions that must be answered.

Once the underlying issues are brought to light, the healing process can commence.

This is not a quick fix but a path to deep-seated change that involves self-reflection, understanding, and often, forgiveness.

It involves re-evaluating past experiences and the meanings we've attached to them. This introspective journey allows us to let go of the narratives that no longer serve us and to dismantle the psychological scaffolding that supports the disempowering habits we wish to change.

The healing stage is essential because it lays the groundwork for sustainable change.

By resolving the internal conflicts, we can then replace old habits with new, empowering ones without the unseen forces of past traumas and unresolved issues holding us back.

It's akin to clearing out the weeds from a garden to give the seeds of new habits the best chance to grow.

This process of healing is one of the cornerstones of the 'Drive Your Destiny' program, ensuring that the transformation is not just a superficial alteration but a profound shift that permeates every aspect of an individual's life.

Through healing, we pave the way for a new chapter, one in which we are no longer at the mercy of our past patterns.

We become free to redefine ourselves, to build new habits that are in harmony with our desired identity, and to move forward with a sense of purpose and clarity.

The 'Drive Your Destiny' program is designed to guide individuals through this healing process, empowering them to emerge stronger, more resilient, and ready to embrace the change they seek.

Creating a New Identity

The process of creating a new identity is akin to some of the most profound transformations in life.

Just as a single person pledges themselves to another at the altar and emerges as a married individual, so too can a person undergoing personal change adopt a new identity.

This alteration in self-perception is not merely symbolic; it is a powerful psychological shift that can redefine one's existence.

To intentionally shape a new identity, one must first envision the person they aspire to be—much like an artist envisions a masterpiece before the brush even touches the canvas.

This vision entails a detailed understanding of the traits, values, and behaviors that align with the new identity.

It’s about asking oneself

  • What would a healthy person do?

  • How would a successful entrepreneur approach this challenge?

  • What habits would a dedicated parent cultivate?

The power of this approach lies in its ability to inform our daily choices.

As we repeatedly act in accordance with our new identity, these behaviors begin to weave themselves into the fabric of our being.

We no longer need to force ourselves to act in certain ways; the actions become natural expressions of who we are. Over time, the gap between the old self and the new self narrows until the new identity is fully integrated into our sense of self.

This transformation does not happen in isolation.

It requires an environment that supports the new identity, relationships that encourage growth, and perhaps most importantly, a belief that change is possible.

This belief is the fuel that powers the journey of transformation. It propels us forward when doubts arise and sustains us through the inevitable setbacks.

The intentional shaping of a new identity is a deliberate process.

It involves setting clear intentions, crafting an environment conducive to change, and surrounding oneself with people who reflect the qualities of the new identity.

It means celebrating small victories and leveraging them as proof of the emerging self.

With each step taken in alignment with the new identity, confidence grows, and the identity solidifies.

Creating a new identity is not about discarding the old self but rather expanding upon it.

It is an evolution, a process of building upon the experiences and lessons of the past to construct a more fulfilling future.

This journey can be challenging, but it is also one of the most rewarding endeavors one can undertake.

In the 'Drive Your Destiny' program, participants are guided through this transformative process.

They are provided with the tools to craft a new identity, one that reflects their true aspirations. By doing so, they set the stage for lasting change, ensuring that the resolutions they make are not just fleeting wishes but stepping stones to a greater, more authentic life.

In the next steps of the program, participants will learn to set meaningful goals and uncover the passions that ignite their enthusiasm for life.

They will be encouraged to engage in deep introspection and to cultivate a dialogue with their own bodies, learning the language of their internal cues and signals.

As we prepare to set the stage for success, remember that the change you seek is not just about altering behaviors—it's about becoming the person who naturally embodies those behaviors.

It's about evolving into the best version of yourself, driven by a destiny of your own design.

Setting the Stage for Success

As we delve into the process of enacting meaningful change, it becomes evident that setting the stage for success is more than about listing goals—it's about aligning those goals with our deepest passions and ensuring they resonate with the core of our being.

Success in the realm of New Year's resolutions—or any significant life shift—is not merely about achieving a particular outcome; it's about integrating that outcome into the fabric of who we are, which makes it sustainable and rewarding.

Meaningful goals act as lighthouses, guiding our journey through the fog of daily distractions and the tumult of competing priorities.

They are not arbitrary endpoints but are deeply connected to our passions, the activities, and pursuits that light a fire within us and give us a sense of purpose.

When goals are imbued with passion, they cease to be chores or boxes to tick off; they become expressions of our true selves, compelling narratives that we are eager to unfold.

In this transition, it is imperative to cultivate a profound understanding and communication with one's body.

Our bodies are not just vehicles to carry out our will; they are reservoirs of wisdom, constantly communicating through sensations, emotions, and impulses.

Learning to interpret this language is crucial. It allows us to discern what brings us genuine joy, what our limits are, and when we need to push forward or pull back.

It is a dialogue that informs our choices and helps us navigate the journey of change with greater awareness and sensitivity.

The integration of body intelligence into the fabric of goal-setting is a game-changer.

It means that our resolutions are no longer just intellectual exercises; they are holistic aspirations that consider the whole person—mind, body, and spirit.

By honoring this triad, we ensure that our goals are not just attainable but also sustainable. We establish a harmony between our desires and our innate being, creating a synergy that propels us toward our aspirations with balance and grace.

Setting the stage for success, therefore, is about more than just the mechanics of change.

It's about creating a symphony of intent, passion, and self-awareness.

It's about crafting a life narrative that resonates with who we are and who we wish to become, one that is flexible enough to accommodate growth and robust enough to withstand the challenges that change inevitably brings.

As we move forward, let us do so with the confidence that comes from aligning our goals with our passions, from engaging in a meaningful dialogue with our bodies, and from setting a course that is true to our deepest selves.

This is the essence of the 'Drive Your Destiny' program—empowering you to set the stage for success in a way that is as unique and individual as you are.

Introducing 'Drive Your Destiny'

Drive Your Destiny - Roadmap to Your True Destiny Course

With an understanding of the challenges that come with change and the importance of addressing personal transformation on multiple levels, it becomes clear that a comprehensive approach is necessary to make New Year's resolutions stick.

This is where the 'Drive Your Destiny' program comes into play, offering a strategic 3-step model designed to help you enact lasting change.

The 'Drive Your Destiny' program is not just another self-help initiative; it is a structured, in-depth process that delves into the very core of who you are and who you aspire to be.

It recognizes the complexity of personal transformation and provides a roadmap that navigates the psychological, habitual, and identity-based aspects of change.

Is Drive Your Destiny right for you?

Book a free clarity call to get the details and information.

Step Healing the Root Causes

The first step in the 'Drive Your Destiny' program is all about healing.

Before you can effectively move forward, you must look back and confront the issues that led to the formation of disempowering habits. This step involves deep introspection and a commitment to understanding the underlying reasons for your behaviors. By addressing these foundational causes, you set the stage for genuine, lasting change.

Step Rewiring Identity

The second step focuses on identity evolution.

This transformative phase guides you through the process of redefining and reshaping your self-concept. You'll learn how to envision and step into a new identity that supports the lifestyle you want to lead. Through a series of exercises and self-reflection, you will begin to internalize a new narrative about yourself, enabling your actions to align with your new identity.

Step Aligning Goals with Passion

The final step is where you'll bridge the gap between intention and action.

You'll discover how to set goals that are not only meaningful but also deeply connected to your passions. By integrating the language of your body and its wisdom into your goal-setting process, you will learn to create resolutions that resonate with your being on all levels. This alignment ensures that your resolutions are more than just tasks—they become a natural and exciting part of your daily life.

Throughout the 'Drive Your Destiny' program, you'll be supported with tools, strategies, and insights that have been honed through years of research and practical application.

The program's success lies in its holistic approach and its ability to foster transformation that goes beyond surface-level changes.

It's designed for those who are serious about making a lasting impact on their lives, providing the support and guidance needed to navigate the journey of personal growth.

As we prepare to embrace a new year and the potential it holds, 'Drive Your Destiny' stands as a beacon for those who seek to make their resolutions a reality.

Whether your goals are to improve your health, advance your career, enrich your relationships, or foster personal growth, this program is tailored to help you achieve them with confidence and clarity.

If you're ready to take control of your future and drive your destiny towards the horizon of your dreams, reach out today.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together, and make this year the year your resolutions transform into your reality.

As we draw this exploration to a close, we revisit the critical understanding that the allure of New Year's resolutions often fades not due to a lack of desire, but because of an underestimation of the intricate web of psychological, habitual, and identity-related factors that govern change.

We've uncovered the harsh truth that a staggering 93% of resolutions fail – not because the goals are unreachable, but because traditional approaches to change do not consider the deep-seated intricacies of human behavior.

The 'Drive Your Destiny' program emerges as a beacon of hope, a strategic path tailored to those who are determined to make their resolutions more than fleeting wishes. It is designed to navigate the complex terrain of personal transformation by addressing the healing of past wounds, the reformation of identity, and the alignment of goals with one's deepest passions.

We've delved into the importance of understanding the language of the body and setting goals that resonate with the core of our being. We've emphasized the need for a holistic approach, one that integrates the mind, body, and spirit to enact meaningful and lasting change. This journey is not for the faint of heart – it is for the bold, for those who are ready to commit to a transformative process that will redefine their destiny.

Now, as you stand on the threshold of a new year filled with potential, the question...

Are you ready to be part of the 7% who succeed in their resolutions?

Are you prepared to take the reins and drive your destiny towards the life you've always envisioned?

If your answer is a resounding yes, then the 'Drive Your Destiny' program awaits. With its comprehensive 3-step approach, you will be equipped with the tools and insights necessary to transform your aspirations into tangible realities. You will not walk this path alone; guidance, support, and a community of like-minded individuals will be with you every step of the way.

Do not let another year slip by with unfulfilled resolutions and untapped potential. Reach out today and take the first step towards a future where your goals are not just achieved but become a natural part of who you are. The time to act is now – to heal, to evolve, and to align your aspirations with your true self.

Take control of your narrative. Drive your destiny. Make your resolutions a reality.

Driver's Ed Booklet for Drive Your Destiny Program

If you are looking for a cheat sheet on exactly the process of learning to Drive YOUR Destiny, request a free downloadable copy of the Driver's Ed Booklet. This free pdf is the basis of your transformation from passenger to driver of your life.

Request your Free Copy Today

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Coach at Rise UP Coaching, Creator of the Life Reset System
Providing easy life transformations based on Knowledge and Understanding.

Kathy Baldwin

Coach at Rise UP Coaching, Creator of the Life Reset System Providing easy life transformations based on Knowledge and Understanding.

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