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Big Business Profits Dominating Over Society

Inner Power and Personal Growth: Overcoming Disempowerment and Driving Societal Change

September 15, 202315 min read

Harness Your Inner Power:

Empowerment in an Era of Corporate Disempowerment

In an Era of Deliberate Corporate Disempowerment; Harnessing Your Inner Power for Change

We live in an age dominated by immense corporate power. Multinational companies wield unprecedented control over society, economy, and government. Their relentless pursuit of profit takes precedence over ethics, sustainability, and social good.

Recent investigations have exposed the shocking duplicity of corporations like ExxonMobil. Despite unmistakable evidence of impending climate catastrophe, they buried the truth and misled the public for decades - all to protect their own interests. This corporate disempowerment of society continues to have devastating consequences.

However, we remain complicit if we simply point fingers outward. The real change begins inside each of us. We must reclaim our personal power rather than looking to external forces. We have been conditioned to feel small and dependent, but that is an illusion.

Our power lies within.

When we embrace self-transformation, we #RiseUP those around us. By becoming empowered individuals, we create empowered communities. Enough empowered communities lead to an empowered society.

We can reject disempowering narratives and limitation. We can be independent thinkers and conscious creators of the lives we desire. We can vote with our actions, consumption, and values. We can spread the message of empowerment.

The journey starts within us. We must #RiseUP, learn, grow. We must awaken and harness our inner power. When we do so, we realize our potential to drive societal change.

ExxonMobile Hid the Truth About Oil's Effect on Our World

ExxonMobil's Hidden Truth

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Exxon scientists began conducting rigorous climate modeling to better understand how the buildup of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion could impact the planet. The findings from their climate models were alarming - showing that continued fossil fuel use would cause considerable global warming by 2050.

By 1982, Exxon's senior scientists were convinced that climate change was not only real, but that it was driven by human fossil fuel emissions. Exxon began preparing a coordinated response to tackle climate change, which included reducing their own emissions and finding alternatives to fossil fuels.

However, by 1988 it was clear that any efforts to switch away from oil or reduce emissions would significantly impact Exxon's profits. Despite having unmistakable evidence of the dangers, Exxon pivoted from being a potential climate leader to spearheading climate misinformation campaigns.

Internal memos show that Exxon made a strategic decision to publicly cast doubt on climate science.

They planned to emphasize natural climate variability and unknowns in climate models as reasons not to act on the overwhelming evidence. This seed of uncertainty stalled action on climate change for decades.

Exxon continued to pour millions into think tanks that would spread misinformation questioning climate science. All while their own scientists warned them of the catastrophic real-world impacts that climate change would bring.

The damage was done. Exxon continues to make record profits while their decades of climate deception has put the planet on a dangerous path. Their actions exemplify how the misaligned priorities of powerful corporations can lead to societal disempowerment.

Corporate Greed Won Over Social Responsibility

The Science Behind the Deception

In the 1970s and 1980s, Exxon employed elite scientists who conducted pioneering climate change research. Their findings represented the scientific consensus at the time regarding the buildup of CO2 emissions from fossil fuels.

Exxon's senior scientist James Black first warned the company about climate change in 1977. He presented irrefutable evidence that rising CO2 levels from burning oil, gas and coal would cause considerable global warming. By 1982, Exxon's experts were certain that human activities were driving climate change.

The company's own climate models accurately predicted a global temperature increase of 2-3°C if CO2 levels doubled. Their projections align closely with those of modern climate science. Exxon also researched the rate at which oceans absorb CO2, further proving their advanced understanding.

Internal documents reveal Exxon planned to take decisive action against climate change in the early 1980s. They recognized the environmental threats and seemed committed to reducing emissions. However, by the late 1980s it became clear that switching to renewable energy would hurt Exxon's profits.

At this point, Exxon made the unethical decision to disregard their own scientists' warnings. Instead of leading the transition to clean energy, they prioritized their bottom line over the planet's health. Exxon pivoted to spreading misinformation to protect their business interests.

The evidence is clear - Exxon willfully deceived the public about climate change for decades after their experts alerted them of the risks. Their advanced scientific knowledge makes Exxon's climate denial campaigns even more egregious.

The Turning Point

The public revelation of ExxonMobil's decades of climate change denial marked a major turning point.

In 2015, an extensive investigation by InsideClimate News brought Exxon's hidden knowledge and misinformation campaigns to light.

Their reporting detailed how Exxon scientists had accurately predicted the dangers of global warming as early as 1977, yet the company buried this information and spearheaded climate denial efforts.

The findings sparked public outrage and pressure. Multiple state attorney generals launched investigations into Exxon's practices. Major shareholder groups demanded accountability and for Exxon to disclose climate related risks.

ExxonMobil's carefully crafted facade began crumbling in the wake of scrutiny. The company was forced to explicitly state that it no longer doubted climate science. Shareholders enacted changes requiring more transparency and reporting on climate risks.

The spotlight on ExxonMobil's willful deception opened many people's eyes to how far corporations will go to preserve profits over people and planet. It laid bare the immense power businesses can wield to misinform and stall action.

These revelations led to a reckoning within society. It fueled citizens' mistrust of corporations and increased demands for climate action. People realized more than ever the critical need for systemic change to hold corporations ethically accountable and combat disinformation.

The turning point also empowered citizens to take matters into their own hands. If Exxon and governments would not lead climate action, then people realized they must. Grassroots activism surged, with climate marches, lobbying and individual pledges to reduce carbon footprints.

ExxonMobil's day of reckoning illuminated the vast capacity for businesses to disempower society when profit motives rule over ethics. But it also revealed the power of truth. Once deception was exposed, it unleashed citizen empowerment and demands for transformative societal change.

Spreading Misinformation

Despite possessing unmistakable evidence of the climate risks posed by continued fossil fuel use, ExxonMobil pivoted to spreading misinformation that cast doubt on climate science. This was a strategic decision to protect their business interests and profits.

Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, ExxonMobil funneled over $30 million to a network of think tanks and front groups that publicly questioned climate change. These included the Global Climate Coalition, the American Enterprise Institute, the Cato Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and others. ExxonMobil leveraged these groups to amplify the message that the science around climate change was too uncertain to warrant regulatory action.

ExxonMobil also used its significant advertising budget to further spread climate misinformation to the public. Ads in major newspapers like the New York Times raised doubts by claiming that climate models were inconclusive and more scientific research was needed before restricting fossil fuel use.

By muddying the waters around climate science, ExxonMobil stalled meaningful policy action in the U.S. and derailed international agreements. The company knew that any regulations to curb emissions would hurt its bottom line. Their disinformation campaign proved devastatingly effective at blocking climate action and enabling further emissions over decades.

Purposeful spreading of lies of doubt fueled by Greed

The damage done by ExxonMobil's climate deception continues today. Public trust in climate science has been eroded. Federal climate policy is stalled. Misinformation still holds back climate action and allows ExxonMobil's unchecked fossil fuel production. The company put profits over planet and people, showing the real-world consequences when corporations wield power irresponsibly.

Lasting Damage

ExxonMobil's decades of willful climate deception have put our planet on a dangerous path. The damage done cannot be undone, but the full impacts are only beginning to reveal themselves.

One of the most devastating effects is the loss of crucial time to mitigate climate change. Experts estimate we have already pumped enough greenhouse gases into the atmosphere to warm the planet by 1.5°C. Even if all fossil fuel emissions stopped today, existing CO2 will continue warming Earth for centuries.

But ExxonMobil’s misinformation campaign stalled action on reducing emissions for over 30 years. During a critical window of time when much of today's damage could have been prevented, ExxonMobil instead spearheaded efforts questioning climate science and blocking regulation.

The half a degree of additional warming we’re now committed to have catastrophic consequences like rising seas, extreme weather, drought, floods, and expansion of disease. Vulnerable communities around the world will bear the harshest impacts.

ExxonMobil also set an example for the fossil fuel industry to follow. Their strategies to block climate action opened the floodgates for other companies to do the same. This coordinated campaign of deception continues today, preventing urgently needed climate policies.

Even individual citizens have been deeply affected. Millions were misled by ExxonMobil’s climate denial messaging and lobbying over the decades. Confusion over the science led many to oppose climate policies that were in society's best interest.

ExxonMobil's actions exemplify how the profit motive and corporate self-interest can severely damage society when unchecked. Their climate denial set the world on a path towards calamity, the costs of which will be paid by citizens worldwide. The immorality of their choices will reverberate through generations to come.

The Power Within Us

The Power of Change Resides Within Our Own Personal Empowerment

As disheartening as the actions of corporations like ExxonMobil may seem, the power to create real change does not lie solely with big business or government. True power lies within each of us as individuals.

Mahatma Gandhi famously stated, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” This sentiment rings true now more than ever. If we want to see a more just, ethical and environmentally sustainable society, then that change must start from within ourselves.

We have been conditioned to feel small, powerless, and unable to affect change against the mighty engines of corporations and governments.

This is an illusion.

When enough individuals band together and embrace revolutionary new ways of thinking, the status quo has no choice but to shift.

Real change begins with personal growth. It requires transforming our mindsets and beliefs at a core level. Only then can our actions follow suit. As we learn, grow, and elevate our own consciousness, we #RiseUP those around us.

At an individual level, we can make choices daily to reject the disempowering narratives of consumerism, competition, and conformity. We can choose to consume less, reuse more, and live lighter on the planet. We can choose to cooperate rather than compete. We can have the courage to think different.

On a societal level, we can vote with our dollars and our ballots. We can support ethical businesses and politicians truly working for the greater good. We can make our voices heard loud and clear that we will no longer stand for the status quo.

Most importantly, we can spread this message of empowerment. We can awaken those around us to the truth that change starts from within. We can help our families, friends and neighbors recognize their own power to change themselves and thus change the world.

The mission of #RiseUP Coaching is to facilitate this inner transformation. By challenging limiting beliefs and confronting disempowering narratives, #RiseUP helps individuals see the greatness within themselves.

Growth starts when we question the lies we’ve been told and open our eyes to our inner power.

#RiseUP empowers people to become independent thinkers, conscious creators and agents of change. Their programs guide you on a journey to self-realization of your greater potential. You can play an active role in shaping our future for the better.

The time for true change is now. It starts from inside each of us. We must RiseUP, learn, grow, and become independent. We must embrace our power within, so that together we can build a better world without.

Embracing Personal Change

While corporations and governments clearly wield immense power, the solution begins with change at an individual level. We must embrace deep personal transformation if we want to create lasting change in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi wisely stated, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

This call to action applies to each of us. The change starts within us first.

True empowerment means breaking free of limiting narratives and beliefs. It requires questioning the disempowering ideas we’ve internalized from society and institutions. We must dig deep to identify our core values and align our actions accordingly.

On a practical level, here are three key steps you can take to initiate personal change:

Examine your beliefs. Ask yourself which beliefs and assumptions no longer serve your highest good or the greater good of humanity. Consider where those beliefs originated and whether they are still valid.

Heal past traumas. Work on healing emotional wounds and processing past experiences that may limit you. This clears space for growth.

Align values with actions. Connect more deeply with your true values and purpose. Then take steps each day to align your actions with those values.

The journey of self-transformation can be challenging but incredibly rewarding. When you embrace deep personal change, you lift up those around you and become an agent of change.

RiseUP Coaching provides the support needed to facilitate this empowering process of growth and renewal. Their programs offer the tools and guidance to unlock your full potential on the path to becoming your best self. Ultimately, you are strengthened to make a positive difference in the world.

The opportunity for change starts within. Will you #RiseUP and ignite your inner power to transform yourself and society?

The choice is yours.

How Individual Changes Lead To Societal Shifts

While corporations and governments hold substantial power, history has shown us that grassroots individual change is the true driver of lasting societal transformation. As anthropologist Margaret Mead famously stated, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

When enough individuals create new mindsets and new ways of living, institutions have no choice but to recalibrate and change course to align with emerging cultural values. For example, the civil rights movement, women’s suffrage, same-sex marriage equality and other major societal shifts were all sparked at the individual level by ordinary citizens banding together and demanding reform.

At first, individual changes may seem insignificant, but as more people adopt new paradigms a powerful ripple effect occurs. Types of lifestyle changes that can spark a societal shift include:

Reevaluating Consumption Habits: Reducing consumption, avoiding waste, reusing and recycling shifts economic forces as demand lessens for wasteful and unethical products.

Adopting Sustainable Living: Using renewable energy, eating less meat, buying local, gardening and lowering your carbon footprint pressures society towards more eco-friendly systems.

Embracing Diversity: Welcoming diverse voices and backgrounds into your life normalizes inclusion and forces recalcitrant institutions to reform.

Prioritizing Ethics: Supporting ethical businesses and politicians elevates integrity to a top priority rather than maximizing profits by any means necessary.

Thinking Independently: Rejecting disempowering narratives from media and advertising preserves clarity of thought and values.

Speaking Out: Using your voice and platform to speak out against injustice applies public pressure to the powers-that-be.

While individual actions may seem small or ineffective in isolation, collectively they coalesce into massive cultural forces that bend the trajectory of society towards justice, sustainability and ethical progress. As anthropologist Margaret Mead concluded, “It only takes a few to change the minds of the many.”

The Role of RiseUP Coaching

RiseUP Coaching is dedicated to empowering individuals to recognize and harness their inner power. Through its courses and programs, RiseUP provides the tools for personal growth, deeper self-awareness, and unlocking one's highest potential.

At its core, RiseUP Coaching aims to challenge the lies and false narratives we've been told by society - that our power lies outside of ourselves, in businesses, governments and institutions.

RiseUP teaches that true power starts from within. When we shift our mindset and begin to tap into our inner wisdom, we can rise above limiting beliefs and create the lives we desire.

RiseUP can guide you on this transformative journey to become your best self. Through its teachings, you'll learn to break free of disempowering ideas, heal past traumas, and align your actions with your core values. This paves the way for you to make a positive difference in your own life and the world.

Ultimately, RiseUP gives you the tools to become independent - mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Rather than looking outside yourself for answers, you'll be equipped to find solutions within.



1. "Exxon Knew about Climate Change almost 40 years ago" - Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago

According to this source, Exxon was aware of climate change as early as 1977, 11 years before it became a public issue. The company conducted extensive research on this issue in the 1970s and 1980s, employing top scientists to empirically sample carbon dioxide and build rigorous climate models.

2. "Exxon scientists predicted global warming with 'shocking skill'" - Harvard Gazette. (https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/01/harvard-led-analysis-finds-exxonmobil-internal-research-accurately-predicted-climate-change/)

This article discusses how Exxon scientists accurately predicted global warming.

3. "ExxonMobil climate change denial" - Wikipedia. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExxonMobil_climate_change_denial)

This Wikipedia entry provides a comprehensive overview of ExxonMobil's history of climate change denial.

4. "Exxon's Climate Denial History: A Timeline" - Greenpeace. (https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/fighting-climate-chaos/exxon-and-the-oil-industry-knew-about-climate-crisis/exxons-climate-denial-history-a-timeline/)

According to Greenpeace, from the 1980s to mid-2000s, ExxonMobil funded organizations that denied climate change.

5. "Assessing ExxonMobil's global warming projections" - Science. (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abk0063)

This research article from Science magazine assesses ExxonMobil's global warming projections.


1. [*Scientific American*](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/)

2. [*Harvard Gazette*](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/01/harvard-led-analysis-finds-exxonmobil-internal-research-accurately-predicted-climate-change/)

3. [*Wikipedia*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExxonMobil_climate_change_denial)

4. [*Greenpeace*](https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/fighting-climate-chaos/exxon-and-the-oil-industry-knew-about-climate-crisis/exxons-climate-denial-history-a-timeline/)

5. [*Science*](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abk0063)

personal empowermentunleashing inner powerrole of corporations in climate changesocietal changeRiseUP CoachingSelf TransformationAwakening Inner PowerRejecting Disempowering NarrativesPersonal Growth JourneyConscious Creators
Coach at Rise UP Coaching, Creator of the Life Reset System
Providing easy life transformations based on Knowledge and Understanding.

Kathy Baldwin

Coach at Rise UP Coaching, Creator of the Life Reset System Providing easy life transformations based on Knowledge and Understanding.

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