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Quitters Day is Today

January 12, 202412 min read

Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost within reach..” - Napoleon Hill

Quitters Day is Today

Napolean Hill Don't Quit 3 Feet From Gold

Why Resolutions Fade and

How to Forge Lasting Change

As the calendar page turns, a wave of optimism typically sweeps in, carrying ambitious New Year's resolutions in its wake. But there comes a day, now infamously dubbed "Quitter's Day," when the tide of enthusiasm recedes, leaving a stark reality in its place.

Today marks that day—the day when 80% of resolution-setters concede to the status quo, abandoning their freshly minted commitments.

It's a day that underscores a sobering statistic: only a mere 9% of individuals will successfully integrate their resolutions into lasting change.

The concept of resolutions is enshrined in the tradition of starting anew, of turning over a new leaf with the arrival of the New Year. Yet, despite the best of intentions, resolutions often dissolve into the ether, forgotten or forsaken.

But why does this happen?

Why do the promises we make to ourselves tend to crumble so readily? It's not the lack of desire or effort, but perhaps a fundamental misunderstanding of what it takes to enact true change.

A resolution, in essence, is not a decision.

It's a statement of intent, a vocal aspiration, that lacks the binding force of action. More critically, it often fails to resonate with our core identity, the internal compass that guides our behaviors and beliefs in the quiet recesses of our minds.

When we set resolutions without addressing the underlying beliefs that shape our actions, we set ourselves up for a silent battle against our own nature.

The path to genuine transformation, therefore, isn't found in the annual ritual of resolution setting. Instead, it requires a deeper, more introspective journey—one that aligns our internal state with the external outcomes we wish to achieve. Only by fostering an internal change can we hope to see the manifestation of our desired external results.

We will delve into the psychological underpinnings of why resolutions often fail, confront the clash between identity and resolution, and chart a course towards enduring change.

The Illusion of Resolutions

As the fresh start of the New Year fades into the rearview mirror, so too do the resolutions of many.

These resolutions often represent more of an annual tradition than a true commitment—a wish rather than a concrete plan.

But why is it that these resolutions, made with such fervor and hope, seem to lack the substance to endure beyond the first few weeks of January? The answer lies in recognizing that resolutions often function as an illusion of change rather than a catalyst for real transformation.

Resolutions are frequently anchored in the idea of what we think we "should" want or what we believe society expects of us.

They are built on the framework of "I should" rather than "I am."

This is where the crux of the problem lies. When we make resolutions, we're typically not making decisions.

Decisions are a choice followed by action and commitment, whereas resolutions are often aspirational statements that lack a concrete plan or the necessary support to be realized.

The act of deciding is powerful.

It involves cutting off other possibilities and dedicating oneself to a specific path. It's an active process that requires continual reaffirmation and dedication.

Resolutions, in contrast, are passive.

They are declarations made at a moment of high motivation, without the structure to sustain them when that motivation inevitably wanes. They lack the robustness of a decision backed by a well-thought-out plan and the resilience to adapt to challenges.

Resolutions often exist in a vacuum.

They are detached from our identity—our sense of self and our place in the world. They do not account for the deeply held beliefs that we carry, the narratives we tell ourselves about who we are, and the values that guide our behavior.

This disconnect between our resolutions and our beliefs creates an internal dissonance that is difficult to reconcile.

When the going gets tough, it is our identity—the core of our being—that dictates our actions, not the ephemeral resolutions we've set before us.

The solution is not to abandon the desire for change but to approach it differently.

To create change that lasts, we need to engage in a process that transcends the superficiality of resolutions. We must embark on an inward journey that examines and, if necessary, revises our core beliefs and aligns them with our goals. Only then can we transform the illusion of resolutions into the reality of lasting change.

This understanding begs us to think differently about how we approach the New Year and our desire for change. It encourages us to look beyond the seductive simplicity of resolution-making and towards the more challenging, yet infinitely more rewarding, work of deep personal growth and identity alignment.

To forge a lasting transformation, we must start from within, building our changes on the solid foundation of who we are and who we aspire to become.

Identity vs. Resolution

At the heart of our struggle with resolutions lies a fundamental conflict between our self-concept—our identity—and the resolutions we set.

This battle between who we believe we are and who we resolve to become is often the silent saboteur of our aspirations.

It is the friction between our ingrained patterns of behavior and our desired ideals that causes resolutions to falter and eventually be dropped.

Our identities are a complex web woven from our experiences, values, beliefs, and self-perceptions.

They define our view of ourselves and how we fit into the world around us. When we set resolutions that are incongruent with this deeply rooted self-concept, we inadvertently set the stage for a clash.

A resolution to eat healthily, for instance, grates against an identity that sees oneself as someone who indulges in the pleasure of food without restriction. A vow to exercise daily becomes a chore for an identity that does not prioritize physical fitness or views leisure time as a period for rest.

The dissonance is not merely a matter of willpower; it is a cognitive dissonance that arises when our actions do not match our beliefs about ourselves.

This internal conflict is exhausting and often leads to justification, rationalization, and ultimately, the abandonment of our resolutions. After all, it is easier to fall back into the comfort of our established identity than to forge a new one that aligns with our resolutions.

For true change to take root, our resolutions must reflect an evolution of our identity.

Consider a resolution to become more financially responsible. Rather than framing this as a drastic overhaul of one's lifestyle, which may be at odds with an identity that values spontaneity and generosity, one might instead resolve to become someone who makes wise financial choices in service of future security and freedom. This subtle shift aligns the resolution with positive aspects of one's identity, making it more palatable and sustainable.

Ultimately, the strength of a resolution lies in its capacity to be woven into the fabric of our identity.

It is only when we begin to view our resolutions not as separate goals but as integral parts of who we are and who we are becoming that we can bridge the gap between aspiration and reality. The transformative power of resolutions, therefore, depends on their harmony with our self-concept and the gradual reshaping of our identity to embrace new values and behaviors.

In acknowledging this, we must approach the New Year not with a list of resolutions but with a commitment to exploring and evolving our identity. By doing so, we can create powerful, lasting change that is not forsaken when faced with the first sign of challenge but is instead reinforced by our sense of who we are and who we are determined to be.

The Internal Shift for External Success

When embarking on a journey of change, it is not enough to simply articulate a resolution or set a goal. The key to achieving and maintaining the external success we desire lies in making a fundamental internal shift.

This internal change is about transforming our mindset, our self-image, and the core beliefs that drive our behavior. Without this internal shift, any external success we might experience is likely to be fleeting.

Why is internal change so crucial?

Because our external behaviors are merely reflections of our internal state. The actions we take every day—the habits we form—are governed by our subconscious beliefs and our self-identity.

For instance, if we believe deep down that we are undeserving of success, our actions will align with this belief, sabotaging our efforts regardless of our conscious desires.

Conversely, if we cultivate a belief in our worthiness and capability, our actions will naturally follow suit to support this new self-concept.

The process of internal change begins with self-awareness. It requires us to take a hard, honest look at our current beliefs and values. Are they serving us, or are they hindering our progress? It is only by identifying and understanding these inner obstacles that we can begin to dismantle them and lay the groundwork for positive growth.

Next, we must be willing to challenge and reframe our limiting beliefs. This is not a simple task; it requires persistence, patience, and often, guidance. However, the effort is well worth it, as it allows us to replace self-defeating thoughts with empowering ones. This shift in mindset is not a one-time event but an ongoing practice that gradually leads to a change in our identity.

Visualization and affirmation are powerful tools in this process. By visualizing ourselves as the person we wish to become and affirming this new identity through positive self-talk, we reinforce the changes we are making at a deep, subconscious level. This practice helps to solidify the new beliefs until they become an integral part of who we are.

Finally, it's about taking consistent action that aligns with our new self-concept. As we act in ways that reflect our transformed identity, we provide further evidence to ourselves that this change is real. Each action reinforces the belief that we are capable of achieving our goals and living in accordance with our highest values.

The internal shift is not easy, nor is it quick. It is a process of evolution, of becoming someone new—someone who naturally embodies the behaviors and habits that lead to success. This internal transformation is the foundation upon which sustainable external results are built. It is the difference between a fleeting resolution and a profound revolution in one's life.

Embracing the internal shift requires courage and commitment, but the rewards are immense. It is the path to not only achieving our goals but also to living a life that is aligned with our truest aspirations. It is the path to becoming the person we've always known we could be.

RiseUP Coaching as a Beacon

RiseUP Coaching offers a holistic approach to personal growth through its cornerstone program, the Drive Your Destiny course.

This 3 Step Process is unlike ANYTHING YOU HAVE TRIED BEFORE.

Drive Your Destiny is not a mere collection of well-worn platitudes; it is a pioneering journey at the cutting edge of personal development, utilizing scientifically proven methods to address the root cause of our internal roadblocks and catalyze profound physiological, psychological, and biological changes.

This revolutionary course, born from my own metamorphosis—from the ashes of burnout to the heights of breakthrough—stands as a beacon of hope and transformation.

I created Drive Your Destiny to preempt the same struggles in others, to catch you before the precipice of breakdown beckons. My mission is to equip you with the innovative tools and techniques that fostered my own rebirth, and to guide you on a path of self-discovery and authentic change.

Drive Your Destiny goes beyond surface-level fixes, diving deep into the intricate workings of your internal systems.

It's about rewiring your brain, realigning your body's responses, and redefining your psychological landscape. We delve into the very fabric of your being, making adjustments that resonate on every level of your existence.

This is not change; this is evolution, a revolution of taking back control of your life.

The journey with Drive Your Destiny is a call to action for those who yearn for more than temporary solutions. It's an invitation to those who seek to harness the power of their innermost selves, to reshape their destiny, and to emerge as the architects of their future.

Don't let another year slip by as a spectator of your own life. Take the reins, challenge the status quo, and step into a life where your potential knows no bounds.

I urge you to take a leap of faith into a world where change is tangible and lasting.

Allow me to show you the path I've walked, to share the innovation that transformed my life, and to support you as you forge your own path to success. Book a call with RiseUP Coaching today and embark on a journey that will redefine the very essence of who you are and what you can become.

It's your time to rise from the realm of resolutions to the reality of lasting change. Your journey to transformation begins with a single step—a step towards Drive Your Destiny. Take that step now, and unlock the door to a future where every day is a testament to the power of true change. The moment is now—seize it, and let's rise together.

Book Your Free Clarity Call. Make 2024 YOUR YEAR


Let this year be different.

Let it be the year you choose transformation over tradition, depth over declaration, and identity over illusion.

Step into the realm of lasting change, and may the journey you embark upon lead you to the very essence of your aspirations.

The time for resolutions may have passed, but the moment for true change is always now. RiseUP and seize it.

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Coach at Rise UP Coaching, Creator of the Life Reset System
Providing easy life transformations based on Knowledge and Understanding.

Kathy Baldwin

Coach at Rise UP Coaching, Creator of the Life Reset System Providing easy life transformations based on Knowledge and Understanding.

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